Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Police Reunion Tour summer 2007

Tour Dates for The Police are rumoured

With the 30th anniversary of "Roxanne" approaching, this would be the perfect time for a little get-together on the road. According to Soul Shine Magazine, there is a post on Sting’s official Web site saying, "Discussions have been underway as to how this will be commemorated." Sounds like one heck of a non-answer. But according to Billboard, drummer Stewart Copeland is "very keen on it." Supposedly, so is guitarist Andy Summers.

While the band is planning to release a DVD collection and another multi-disc album of its top hits, it just somehow doesn’t feel like enough.
stay tuned to for the latest tour information for The Police reunion tour 2007 will happen

The Police were founded by drummer Stewart Copeland in early 1977. Singer-bassist Sting and guitarist Henry Padovani began rehearsing with Copeland in January 1977, and they recorded their first Police single "Fall Out/Nothing Achieving" the following month.

[edit] Reunion
In early 2007, reports surfaced in England that the trio would reunite for a tour to mark their 30th anniversary based on reports from internet communities[2]. The concerts would coincide with Universal Music (current owners of the A&M label) re-releasing some material from the band's back catalog [3]. The following statement was released on behalf of the band by a spokesperson at Interscope Geffen A&M Records and posted on Sting's official website: "As the 30th anniversary of the first Police single approaches, discussions have been underway as to how this will be commemorated. While we can confirm that there will indeed be something special done to mark the occasion, the depth of the band's involvement still remains undetermined."

A Police reunion has been the concert industry's dream for two decades, as it is believed the band could play stadiums internationally should it choose to reunite. But besides an impromptu set at Sting's 1992 wedding to Trudie Styler, the Police's only other post-breakup performance was in celebration of its 2003 induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

And while Sting has repeatedly expressed reluctance at reuniting, drummer Stewart Copeland and guitarist Andy Summers have kept the flame alive. This summer, Summers told Billboard he was certain the group could have continued past its 1983 commercial peak with "Synchronicity."

Turbo Tagger

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