Sunday, October 15, 2006

Radio City Christmas Show tickets on sale here


Holidaymakers flying to New York this winter will be able to witness one of the most popular festive shows in the US in the form of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular.

This event runs from November 9th to December 30th and features a range of musical and dance performance from the likes of Santa Claus, the Rockettes and the Living Nativity, among others.

The Rockettes are a 150-strong chorus line of dancing girls, who traditionally perform the same songs at every show, but have recently added some new high-kick antics to their set.

Another popular act is the Parade of the Wooden Soldiers, which features a smartly-attired troupe of performers marching - and falling - in perfect time.

More than one million people travel to New York for this fun-filled show, placing it alongside other favourite yuletide events such as The Nutcracker for Americans and overseas travellers alike.

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