Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Masters Golf 2007 Practice Tickets

Masters Practice Tickets
Tickets to Masters practice days are much easier to come by than tournament badges, although you'll still need a little luck and a lot of cash.
Augusta resident Stöppler said that practice tickets usually run in the mid-$200-range per ticket. And practice tickets are more readily available through

However, Masters practice tickets are actually still available for purchase by the general public from The Masters itself. A limited number of practice tickets are sold in advance by The Masters, by application only. Whether you get tickets - and how many you get - is the result of a random allocation among all applicants.

Applications for the next year's Masters are usually mailed around mid-year (in June for the following April's tournament, for example) to those who applied the previous year. But if you haven't applied previously, you can get yourself onto the list by mailing a request.

Send your request, including your name, address, daytime telephone number and Social Security Number, to:

Masters Tournament
Practice Rounds
PO Box 2047
Augusta, GA 30903-2047

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