Monday, March 19, 2007

The New York Post reports that ticket scalping

The New York Post reports that ticket scalping could soon be legal in New York. The state's current anti-scalping law limits the markup on the resale of tickets to no more than $5, or 20 percent, above face value at venues with fewer than 6,000 seats. But, it’s set to expire in June, and for the first time, Broadway-theater owners and producers aren’t opposed to lifting the state cap.

Gov. Spitzertold the Post: "My view has always been that the laws don't work … The reason the laws don't work is it's the only product I know where we are regulating the secondary market but we don't set a price for the primary market. It makes no sense."

Theater movers and shakers do, however, recommend that the state maintain its ban on street scalping within 1,500 feet of a venue.

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